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Monday, January 2, 2012

Learn About Your Zodiac Sign (Western Astrology 101) ARIES & TAURUS

New Year New Beginnings... For some people they opt to have a peek on their destiny before the year turns. But one should know the basics of where, what and how all was put into concept because this is where the definitions of our life, destiny and personalities have began in the study of western astrology.

Five Basic Categories of your Zodiac:

Your Sun Signs 
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
Your Planets
  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune
  • Pluto
  • Chiron
Your Houses
  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • Fourth
  • Fifth
  • Sixth
  • Seventh
  • Eighth
  • Ninth
  • Tenth
  • Eleventh
  • Twelfth
Your Elements
  • Earth
  • Air
  • Fire
  • Water
Your Qualities
  • Cardinal
  • Fixed
  • Mutable

Lets Begin with....

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
First in line of the zodiac hierarchy hence Aries are the leaders of the pack,  first in line to get things going.  They initiate actions and leadership displayed is most impressive. Those born under this sign are often called the pioneers of the zodiac. It's their fearless way into the unknown that makes them win the day. They possess a bundle of energy and dynamism, leading people with their charm and charisma.Their symbol is the RAM which is both good and bad news. Good because they are driven to compete and to win however, bad as they not likely to soften up when being convinced. These folks are blunt and straight to the point. If you knew someone that behaves this way or if you feel that you possess this persona, then you are definitely an ARIES.

Your Element is Fire, as one would expect, those graced by Fire are fiery indeed. This explains the action, enthusiasm and a burning desire to play the game of an Aries. They love physicality so they won't just sit on the sides for long. Full force they will jump into the fray and will contribute much in the process. Eager beavers they are, taking hasty decisions but you'll never find an Aries who regretted taking a shot.

Your Quality is Cardinal, said to be the initiators of the zodiac - always like to startt and  get things going. Many projects get started although a good deal of it are never finished. That's because cardinal folks are much fonder of starting things rather than finishing them.

Your Ruling House is the First House, commonly referred to as the House of Self. This speaks of the essential qualities of a person, how to approach life, demeanor and basic sensibilities.
The great strenght of the Aries-born is in their initiative, courage and determination. The First House is being ruled by Aries and the planet Mars.

Your Planet is Mars, regarded as the God of War and the planet of Passion. Energy, passion, drive and determination are all right up to Aries-born. These folks are bold, aggressive and courageous. They can summon up the inner strength required to take on most everyone and they'll probably win. With Aries ruling the head, face and the brain, they  can also be playful and romantic with their mate although they need to be on the lookout for headaches and are well-served to take the occasional deep breath.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Second sign of the zodiac and reward is what this sign regards. Unlike the Aries' love for leading the game, Taurus loves to ripped the rewards. They think of physical pleasures and material goods and revel in excess. They favor good life, adores comfort, likes being surrounded by pleasing and soothing things. These folks are artistic as well whether it's the arts or art of their own making this is heaven on earth for them. 
Bull is the symbol of this sign, as it connotes bull-headed and stubborn persona. However, bulls are actually the most practical and reliable members of the zodiac. Once they get to the finish line, they'll swaddle themselves in material goods- a self-indulgent beast? probably, but if you toiled as laboriously as these folks do, you'd need some goodies too!

Your element is Earth, and earth signs are the builders of the zodiac. Taurus-born are happy to stick with their projects until they have reached a successful conclusion. They are extremely patient and dependable along the way. Bulls are generally strong and well-built, and these folks always enjoy testing their strength on the field of play. Expect to find a bull engaged in spirited game of hoops or mountain climbing.  Hiking is also a favorite pastime since it keeps them close to their beloved earth.

Your Quality is Fixed, meaning steadiness is your key to succeed. Taurus doesn't start out with the intention of getting stuck, instead they simply want to get things done and it's that steady mode that winds up being viewed as stubbornness. But however hard-headed they may be, they are the most practical and reliable of all the signs, and they are happy to plod along as it were in pursuit of their goals. The great strength of Taurus is in their stability, loyalty and dogged determination. They only wanted to get the job done and they will get the riches they so fervently crave.

Your Ruling House is the Second House, commonly referred to as the House of Possession. While this speaks to that which you own, it's not simply limited to tangible things. Feelings and emotions, as well as inner selves, abilities, needs and wants are amongst these. Aside from the material rewards that Taurus enjoyed to the fullest, they also regard a happy home life, one that includes a partner and a stable relationship. The Second house is being ruled by Taurus and the planet Venus.

Your Planet is Venus,  the planet of Love and Money. Venus is the lovely goddess who didn't deny herself of many things and in ancient roman mythology, she was the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure, and with this Taurus has pretty much taken up where she left off. Bulls are fond of all things pretty, whether it's in their home, at a museum or on the stage. To others, this may look like too much materialistic and blessed excess, but Taurus-born really wouldn't be  interested in living had they not have beauty in their lives.


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